Annabelle Drumm Journey to Awakening

Welcome to my site, so glad you came to visit. The main body of articles on the blog are kept as an archive of knowledge built over a period of about 10 years while I worked as a Creative Business and Life Coach here in Sydney, Australia. Many of them are just as valid today as when they were written. They began as a wide mix of practical topics including business coaching advice, self development and Law of Attraction with which I’d had great successes for myself and my clients. The blog then turned to much deeper content about human behaviour and the World Shift in Consciousness, otherwise known as the Great Awakening. I knew this information would be powerful and valuable in freeing the mind so, it was surprising at the time to discover the content was suppressed right from the start.
Challenges of Spreading News
You will find many transcripts here of the channelled Mercredan sessions I recorded in partnership with Master Channeller Francis Evans which survived though were blocked on the search engines. There were more than 30 x 1 hour recordings on his Youtube channel that have all been removed. At one stage we tried recording via Google Hangout so viewers could watch livestream. All these videos were destroyed quickly by Youtube and we had no other copy of them. So precious!
After 2018, I worked in partnership with Californian intuitive coach Sarah Biermann on timely and timeless videos that were published on the Youtube channel Navigating the Shift. Many of these episodes were censored and deleted by Youtube – we were eventually banned from uploading. We would watch the views and subscribers rise, then be even lower the next morning. You can still find the playlist here on the menu to view the remaining episodes. (That doesn’t mean the info was necessarily wrong, we were just more clever in avoiding trigger words picked up by the voice recognition software.) We set up a Patreon account to accept donations – Patreon deleted the account and the money from our donors was not forwarded to us. I would call that theft.
I’d posted about 2000 posts and links to knowledge on Twitter – they banned the whole account. Facebook followed suit. If you were on my mail list which I built over 15-20 years, this list was deleted by Mailchimp. Any new business ideas I created always seemed to fail the criteria for advertising. One time I managed to get hold of a Google employee on the phone and found I was shuffled to my own “special” advertising department customer service area. Here they gave me rules required to advertise which were laughable and deliberately impossible to achieve. It seems I had different rules not applied to everyone else’s websites. If you’ve been looking at the recent Twitter files released by Elon Musk and Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) you will see my special customer service department was likely employees of the three letter agencies. I was on a watch list.
Relief to be Past the Tipping Point
Sharing knowledge has been an uphill battle but, in the larger picture, We, The People are winning! Each day more people can see through the false narrative spun on the television and the creeping hands that reach to control us. The extra-ordinary happenings since the end of 2019 – you know what I’m talking about – have amplified that controlling reach, making their intent more obvious. Now we can slap away those hands. NO! We will not be controlled. The minority of us who for years were ignored, berated, criticised, laughed at and accused of being nutters are now swelling to the majority. The tipping point is well passed.
It’s not just about the last few years, of course. We are in fact being shown how much of our lives and those of our ancestors have been controlled for the past 2 thousand years. Individually, the controlling systems have kept us fighting for our health, happiness, prosperity, land, freedom, connection to our God Creator and to keep our children at our side. Globally, the systems have kept us in a perpetual state of war fighting other countries, generating prejudice against groups in religion, race, gender, rich and poor etc. Even when you look at the political systems, they create at least two parties pitched one against the other instead of collaborating. Basically, “Divide and Conquer” has been a successful formula thus far.
However, the more sludge and corruption that is exposed to the light, the more we can see that each system is crumbling. This includes government, financial, education, science, medical, music, entertainment, media, food production, technology driven weather, social behaviours and religion.
Great news! There are new systems that have already been planned out which will finally ENHANCE our lives rather than make it a struggle. So, hold on to your hat! Chaos always comes before change.
What can you do to ease your way through the chaos?
- Preparation. Make sure you cut your expenses, simplify your life, regularly detox your body and have a few weeks supplies on hand in your home. The gap between the old and new financial systems might be up to a few weeks so it is worth having what you need on hand just in case the shops cannot open. There will be no warning bell.
- Share any insights you discover about these old systems, propaganda networks and how our minds are manipulated with anyone and everyone who will listen. The faster we can enlighten the populace around us, the more powerful the energies grow to remove all that is malevolent. NB – It is not your job to push the information onto those who are not willing, only to offer it when they are ready.
- Clean your body and mind. Pure water, fresh air, low stress, organic food, connect to nature, exercise, quality sleep, take the time to make love rather than have sex. Remove violence from your device screen, remove modern music that contains the super low tones, turn off the television and just read the headlines – if you need to – on the internet. Recommended sources are Rumble, Telegram and Truth Social. At night turn off all devices except your clock. Put your phone at the other end of the house. Wifi = why fry? (your brain)
- Community. Help those around you every way you can if they are open to your efforts. Even smiling at someone on the street or holding the door open if their hands are full can create a positive Butterfly Effect that ripples out. Get into the habit of seeing all people around you as simply different sets of eyes of the same consciousness. As the Buddhist monks say, We are One. When you really deeply understand that, you will find your compassion grows. You more often stand beside others rather than in opposition or turning your back.
- Dealing with the institutions. It’s very easy to fall into the “us and them” mentality. In reality, every group – be it a government department, big business, police, hospital or church – contains those who are awake to the change and those who are still asleep, those who are GOOD people and wish you well and those who are stuck in the system following rules, not knowing they have the power to make change; those who are cleaning up their own act and those who still have issues. A general judgement of the institution as a whole is not helpful. These institutions cannot survive without the humans within (at least for now) so, before you deal with them, expect the best version of them to appear before you or on the other end of the phone. Your own expectations can change the results you get dramatically.
- Laugh readily, love frequently. “Laughter is the best medicine” is useful to remember for the benefits are great on many levels. Love comes in many forms, not just romantic. Thinking and feeling with care as you acknowledge humans, birds, fish, animals, insects and plants all adds up to a more loving world in ways that are beyond our current understanding. Keeping yourself in a loving state of being makes it very difficult for the old systems to make you fearful. When you are in fear you are easy to control. These last few years have been an excellent example of that. When you are in a calm, grounded state of mind, you can question what they are telling you and more easily spot any hidden agenda. Common sense returns!
The near future
We can look forward to a most wondrous world. This will be a change, not just to a new era but, a totally new epoch. Our health will be restored, finances will be more flowing, free energy will allow the air, water and soil to be clean. Privacy will be returned to us. Technology will be used in our favour. We will connect once again to our families and our TRUE SELVES releasing old psychological baggage … and that’s just on this planet! The ripple of change will spread far beyond the 3D world which currently captures our attention. It has been foretold that much of this dramatic change will happen in our lifetime. We are talking about years, not decades, away.
What am I up to these days?
After 10 years of Coaching, I helped many creative professionals improve their careers and businesses. It was satisfying yet, I was beginning to feel like the coach on the side of the football field waving a flag saying “Go team!” I wasn’t out there on the field with my feet in the game. So, after much dwelling on the possibilities, I have found a new outlet for my creative talents and am absolutely delighted to be launching a new creative business. I will link to it on this page in due course. Much preparation is required beforehand.
- feel free to browse through the archive on the blog
- visit Navigating the Shift on YouTube
- visit my own channel on Youtube. My channel has the archive of music interviews from my radio days plus a myriad of other creative articles, interviews and coaching topics
- My theatre reviews continue on the Sydney Arts Guide
- You can also enjoy the Audio recordings I’ve uploaded on Insight Timer. Some are for meditations, others are to help you sleep at night.
Keep smiling!
Want to support Annabelle on her new venture?