Online courses

annabelle drumm business coaches sydneyThanks for checking out my online courses page. There is so much knowledge I’ve accumulated through these years of study and much of it I would rather share with as many people as possible in an economical way. Online video and audio training is, in my eyes, the best way to make a big wave of improvement in the world.

If it’s my courses you are the most interested in, do SUBSCRIBE to my mail list so I can offer you the next course as soon as it is launched. I also often give exclusive discounts to my subscribers as thank you for your support.

If you have an idea for a low cost training course you’d like to see me produce that you think others would benefit from, I’d love to hear about it. Send me your suggestion here.


Kitegirl Stress Relief

stress management training online coursesOnline training series – a comprehensive 5 week home study course in video format covering many facets of Stress and Burnout. Presentation is light and fun while delivering deep impact processes and tools that can build resilience, help you cope under pressure and improve all your relationships.

What does it involve?

  • 5 x weekly 60-75 minute interactive video lessons
  • Things to do between the lessons to help implement learning
  • Downloadable workbook pages to keep notes together
  • Support between lessons answering participant questions

Click here to view the online course. 

Click here to read about Stress Management Training for Business. 

Law of Attraction

The Laws of AttractionNot got Law of Attraction working for you yet? Learn the full scope of Law of Attraction and how you can use it to bend life and career to your advantage.

  • 30 daily lessons in under 4 minutes each to run in the morning plus an easy exercise to do that day .
  • use the daily lesson to start changing your life and career NOW
  • Join the community and share your experiences for greater support
  • Or get support direct from Kitegirl as you run through the course via the Facebook/Google + page.

UPDATEUnfortunately the platform this course was advertised on has recently changed direction and removed public direct access to the courses. I am currently rebuilding the course on a new platform and will list here once it’s up and running again. Feel free to contact me if you need it set up in a hurry for yourself or your company.

Kitegirl Stress Relief with Annabelle DrummDream Job Startup

Online 7 day Immersion course in finding your Dream Job or Business Startup idea. Run through the process Annabelle Drumm has used many times to help you mould and shape what will best fit your lifestyle taking full advantage of your skills, your desires and who you are.  Click here for more details. A couple of options to buy.

Learn more about having Kitegirl Coach training staff in your office.

For maximum results, work with Kitegirl coaching you privately.

Got an idea you want Kitegirl to teach? Send your idea here.

Subscribe now to get a great discount when each new video course is launched!

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