Enjoying the present moment – no regrets
(Photo credit: Wikipedia) A dear friend sent this to me today. I thought it was beautifully written. After researching the internet I found it is all over the place dating…
(Photo credit: Wikipedia) A dear friend sent this to me today. I thought it was beautifully written. After researching the internet I found it is all over the place dating…
Diet and Nutrition (Photo credit: fantasyhealthball) I was talking with a woman the other day about diets and opened with my usual stir of asking how much of a diet's…
Oops! I've not been paying attention to the news over the last couple of days and almost missed hearing about India's massive power failure. This is in follow-up to the article…
http://www.wmich.edu/registrar/assets/images/photos/calendar2.jpg I've been continuing my lessons via the channeller and on Monday was told this change over period (most people talk about this being around December 21, 2012) is not…
Source: www.static.twoday.net/pimel/images/relax.jpg I just read this excellent article about the importance of Daydreaming by Mark Sissan who I recently interviewed for my upcoming Stress Buster course. http://www.marksdailyapple.com/the-power-of-daydreaming/ Mark's got a…