About the Blog

Tracking the World Shift in Consciousness
Welcome to the blog! The World is going through massive changes presently. Far greater than it has in the past 25,000 years. We are not just a witness to this change but a major playing part of it.
Learn on this blog how the World is shifting both physically and metaphysically. See how it affects our governments, economy, personal relationships, health and even the weather. Find the connections between them all to give you a greater understanding, then learn what you can do to speed your own personal evolution and ride this wave of change in the easiest and most peaceful way.
What you’ll find on this blog
You’ll see these sections in the right hand column
1) World Shift Topics
contains some of the many sources of information we’ve drawn together to get clues to the puzzle in this World Shift of Consciousness. We are open to learning from science, ancient scripture, channellers, modern day and historic gurus from many walks of life.
2) Start with Self
is making practical use of all the information from the References section. Looking at the entire planet and all that needs to Shift within it on so many levels can be overwhelming. In this section you get tips and advice on how to fast track your own personal evolution even when none around you are interested in the topic!
3) Reach Out
Once you feel comfortable about your own evolution you can start to reach out to those around you in your home, neighbourhood and community. You don’t need to preach all the stuff you’ve learnt. If they don’t want to hear it you will just alienate them. You can put your new self to good use by making more connections, reducing your judgements and encouraging others to look out for each other. We’ve added tips here for you to get started.