Time to move on from 9/11
I was reading this Huffington Post article today about those who have been waiting 11 years since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks for trauma and health compensation. My immediate…
I was reading this Huffington Post article today about those who have been waiting 11 years since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks for trauma and health compensation. My immediate…
So, hands up everyone who’s been feeling crap lately? I certainly have over the last 24 hours. What is that about? I’ve just started a great course by Sarah Biermann.…
A dear friend sent this to me today. I thought it was beautifully written. After researching the internet I found it is all over the place dating back to 2005…
I just read this excellent article about the importance of Daydreaming by Mark Sissan who I recently interviewed for my upcoming Stress Buster course. http://www.marksdailyapple.com/the-power-of-daydreaming/ Mark’s got a HUGE website…
Chronic fatigue or constant tiredness is something a Business and Life Coach can help creative professionals with. There are a number of factors which can contribute to it – both…