Enjoying the present moment – no regrets
A dear friend sent this to me today. I thought it was beautifully written. After researching the internet I found it is all over the place dating back to 2005…
A dear friend sent this to me today. I thought it was beautifully written. After researching the internet I found it is all over the place dating back to 2005…
I just read this excellent article about the importance of Daydreaming by Mark Sissan who I recently interviewed for my upcoming Stress Buster course. http://www.marksdailyapple.com/the-power-of-daydreaming/ Mark’s got a HUGE website…
I’m going to touch on a subject that’s Taboo in most business circles of conversation today. Are you brave enough to read it? It’s the topic of being “Spiritual”. (BOO…
Easter is a time many look forward to as a welcome 4-5 day break. It’s the longest public holiday we get before Christmas. But there’s so much to get done.…
Here’s an interview recently recorded for the website http://mycoachmatch.com which introduces me, what kind of clients I work best with and when it’s a good time to seek the help…