Below is a half an hour conversation from yesterday which offered the biggest picture of Earth I’d ever seen. We looked into the history right back to its creation in solid form, how some of the Epochs were divided and how the latest Epoch is moving back to higher Consciousness. Extraordinary!
One thing that really hit me about this session and a few from other sources which have a consistent message (I will post them a bit later) was how important it is to find your passion and run with it. Forget long term plans, forget putting off ringing your mum, forget pursuing a job only because you’re good at it or because it pays the bills. Everything is going to change dramatically over the next few years if you choose to follow your heart. If you instead stay in a negative vibe, worrying about all the old things you’ve worried about for years, your world will only get worse. There’s a split going on which is hard to explain but not something you will need to worry about if you focus on clearing your baggage, finding forgiveness, following your passion and being persistent in the pursuit of happiness.
Sit back with a large cup of something hot and gorge yourself on this amazing transcript. I’m sure, with some prompting, Scientists and Archaeologists will eventually be brave enough to bring out into the light the evidence to match this version of history.
The conversation continues after this transcript 2 weeks later here:
Transcript of session between Mercredan (via Master Channeller Francis Evans) and Annabelle Drumm
3 November 2014
Topics: Dreaming, History of Earth, Lemuria epoch, Atlantis epoc, the beginning of language, the beginning of religion, creation of the night sky, creation of gods, dinosaurs with Atlantians, apes as experimental, end of the dinosaurs, future splitting of the world, consistency of stories
M: Good morning. Once again it is my privilege and pleasure to come and spend these few moments of your time because there are so many intriguing discussions to have! I want to present as a follow on from what we have discussed up to this point, you create physical reality from the structures of your mind and as a result Humankind make up all the storyline in order to make sense of the physical reality.
So you dream in line with one’s unfolding world from the inside.
And I want to mention my dear friend for a moment because he was interested in the dream that he had in which he was dreaming inside the dream. That is a structure that is important in that it allows somebody to perceive and experience something without it being influencing or affecting the outer concern.
Stories of History
So putting that as a side as a comment, then one creates reality, makes sense of it through stories that give individuals their bearings. Does that make sense?
A: It does, yes.
M: Then let us begin a conversation with the questions that arise.
A: OK. Um, so many to ask! (laughs) Where to start?
M: Let us put it in perspective then.
Consciousness arises and it arises in ways that make perfect sense. One thing that is important is direction because consciousness that is stagnant, that is sitting waiting for something to occur, surely is in its dissipation. That is one cannot evolve from a static perspective and that is why the Unity – that is Oneness, that is prior to the externalisation of consciousness, all that is – is recognised at its very beginning as consciousness began to separate, that evolution was an important and only direction that was constructive. You understand?
So then all things emerged from such awareness. First of all then, the unitary was divided into a binary system. Consciousness and potential. And as a result Consciousness began what you would call its descent into more and more distinctions and therefore more solid forms, more individualisations and so on. So first of all consciousness begins to understand what it is to have a separation and, next to separation, connection and communication. Because neither connection nor communication can occur unless there is multiples. You understand?
A: Yes
M: So division then, recognises polar opposites and from that, the creation of the form that creates new levels of distinction.
A: OK, that gives me a couple of things to ask now.
1 – Our dear friend (Channeller Francis Evans) and I were talking about Lemuria and we were wondering whether Lemurians actually had a physical form and whether the descent happened around that time which brought them into solid form
2 – and the other thing I wanted to ask you that, now we are where we are in present day, is the removal of duality along the same theme?
M: Let us begin because of course nominalisation, that is naming and giving names to things can often be as much a distraction as it is illuminating. Names have been assigned and for many reasons the names that were assigned defined the degrees of, shall we call it, freedom and the degree of limitation because of course, every thing as it descends into matter, loses its degree of freedom as it becomes more distinct in itself. So such name then, was to define the degree of freedoms and its connection with higher form.
A: Are you saying a Lemurian is a degree of freedom?
M: Of course, as well as what you call Atlantians.
A: Oh OK. So we were trying to figure, were Atlantians much later? Like a different era?
M: Of course. A different Epoch.
A: Yes yes
M: We are talking Epoch in terms of what is distinctive.
A: Right
M: So you could say then as the Spirit began to define itself, first of all, in terms of separateness, in terms of isolation, in terms of its conception. Spirit then conceptualised degrees of freedom and as it began to descend from what you would call conceptual nature, which has been defined in your world as Higher Mind, began to take on different forms, fluid forms, forms which first of all began to take shape. You understand what I mean in terms of the nature of structure is to have a form. Even if the form is not perceivable in solid…
A: that you can see in 3D.
M: That is correct. So there behind that the form. The form in many cases quite fluid and it is as that form began to take shape, then what you would call Lemuria is a description of fluidity. You understand? So in terms of a physical placement One cannot easily conceive unless One has space. In other words Human Beings at your time require the nature of space and time whereas, in reality, this form is prior to the creation of solid space and is still taking form within Consciousness. Do you follow what I mean?
A: Yes I do get that so even… I was listening to another channel yesterday about how Lemuria was an enormous mountain. So was that also fluid?
M: Let us say the concept, as you have already discovered, as transmissions are taking place, often it is necessary to create illusions. You understand?
A: Yes
M: So “mountain” in inner worlds reminds you of heights. You understand? And in that way then, such Beings were of great height. Consciously great height prior to any such manifest form. So then One wants to describe the space in which they occupied and from that perspective One should say, these Beings – and we will call them Beings – occupy the space between the higher forms, that is higher mind conceptual and what you call the Atlantians.
A: Who were lower down.
M: Of course, and your Atlantians then occupied, as I have previously said, what you now call Antarctica.
A: Oh
M: So it is then that Lemurians must have occupied some vision between Atlantis as it is, Antarctica in your terms, and somewhere else. So then Humankind placed it in an occupied (bull?) vision and there are not too many possibilities. So you place it where you can conceive and accept it to have been.
A: Mm. Well the impression I had was that it sunk and so they spread out to all the Polynesian islands. That would point to the Pacific Ocean, I suppose.
Creation of Language
M: Let us say we could also suggest that the remnants, as the descent occurred into the next breed as it were, the Atlantians, always leaves behind strands of the previous. So the first Atlantians who were ones that wanted to define structures in terms of physicality, that is the first physical binding Beings, created Language. Language then, is a reflection, shall we say, of the conceptual Being. What you would call Lower Minds. Do you understand?
A: Mm, yes.
M: So the first of these left behind a great appreciation of the sensing, feeling nature.
A: Did they continue on? Or did they disappear?
M: Let us say, like all Beings, they integrated some of this and there were strands left behind. So, not only do you find them, in the Polynesians but also on South American coasts and also in what you call the islands further West.
A: West. I can’t quite think what that is (possibly Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines) but I’m thinking South America would be, because the Channel I was listening to was about Rapa Nui (Easter Island, Isle de Pascua, west of Chile).
M: Let us say that as well. So, much of it left behind such sensate Beings as the Atlantians extracted much of that in their greater descent.
A: Now, I want to ask you, Atlantians, if they were of a certain Epoch, do we talk about Atlantians being the people of that Epoch or the people of Antarctica?
M: Let us say the people of the Epoch.
A: So they could be anywhere in the world, couldn’t they?
M: Of course, they were indeed well populated, unlike what you would call the Lemurian. Lemurians did not have much solid body so they did not populate in terms of area but in terms of connection to and with the planetary Guardian.
A: So I guess there wouldn’t be a lot to discover about them in terms of, you know, temples and bowls.
M: Not at all.
A: No
The Creation of Religion
M: What you might find is the remnants of the first of the Atlantians but even those did not want or need to have such solid form because it is later in the Atlantian era, the Epoch of Atlantis, that the idea of religion began to take form. That is, praying to Gods, creating forms in which to take shape to represent Higher forms.
A: which they did not see within themselves.
M: The idea was to remember what they understood they were fast losing touch with.
A: Right
Creation of the Night Sky
M: So religion began to take shape in forms. Often then, what was created was what you would call the night sky. The planets and suns were necessary then when physical form was required. You understand, the earth as such then came into being at that time including the forms and shapes and representation in what is the night sky. And these, then, were turned into Gods.
Of course the primary God was that of life, your Sun. The secondary God which was captured at this time was what was called the Moon representing Growth and the cyclic nature of seasons – remembering the planet itself did not have seasons at this time. Your planet was not, as you would call, wobbling at this time at all. So seasons were seen in terms of growth factors brought about by Lunar ascensions. In the backdrop then, were projected out the forms of other Gods and so it began to take shape.
M: Do you understand? So the descent is still the interpretation of events. Anything that provides a framework for people to understand the evolution and the necessity of further evolution – because as the physical world becomes dense, overly populated with denseness, as we have talked about – the separation begins to take form. That is, the highest – the creative mind, begins to offer alternatives and a new perception separates from the old.
A: Right. So I feel like we’re moving into more up to date things now. Before we go there though, can I just ask you another history type question? If we’ve looked at these different Epochs in the past, there was the time of Lemurians which was not quite so solid, is that a time that was before dinosaurs? I mean, it’s hard to kind of picture how many years we are talking about… I mean there’s 4 civilisations isn’t there?
M: The dinosaur is the result of experimentation. you understand the Atlantian civilisation in its mental capacity, understood the nature of creativity and as a result began experimentation on all sorts of life forms. Playing around with what you would call your solid codes. That is what you now call…
M: DNA were able to make certain life forms much larger than before.
A: Atlantians were around with the dinosaurs?
M: Let us say they pre-existed at the time and the dinosaurs, as you understand it, are the result of experimentation prior to the general demise. Atlantians then were in existence throughout that period but in remote settlements.
A: But none of their bones survived? Has nobody every found any Atlantian bones?
M: Let us say there have been some discoveries but in most scientific journals it is important that one seems to provide… consistency.
A: (laughs)
M: You understand.
A: You can’t possibly discover anything new or it would just put a crank in the works.
M: As long as it can be explained into the system it is acceptable. Otherwise it is to be put aside until new information can make it so.
A: Right. OK.
M: So there are of course unexplainable artefacts that have come up at various times that no one has explained.
A: So years worth now, if dinosaurs were, what was it, 400-250 million years before now, Lemurians were before that?
M: Well before that. You understand, we are not talking in terms of time frames as such because until the physical world exists there is no such thing …
A: as time
M: as space and therefore no time.
A: Right. OK. I’m just trying to get this figured in my head. So, if Human kinds of shapes have been around since Atlantian times, um, the idea that came from this last channel was that we did not descend from apes.
M: Once again, each one of these experiments – and there have been numerous experiments over significant times in human evolution, not just in your present conditions – so it is that some of these branches of descent were allowed to alter the capabilities, looking for more extreme forms. So evolution, we could say has occurred in many directions.
The End of the Dinosaurs
A: Yes. And the end of the dinosaurs, would we call that the end of an Epoch as well?
M: The final conclusion of that epoch was at the conclusion of what is the Atlantian age. From then on, a new breed of physical Beings that began to capture some of the conceptual brilliance came into being.
A: And did they have a name in what we would call that next Epoch in reference?
M: (pause) There is… let us say there was a breeding ground that began to merge with other experimental forms and eventually gave rise to what you would call Homo-sapiens. That is, shall we call it, the breeding between what had been experimental ape-like creatures and the remnants of the Atlantian species itself.
A: Oh! OK – gosh, all pieces to the puzzle here. (laughs)
M: So it is not as if there is evolution upward but evolution…
A: downward!
M: in every direction.
The Future of Earth in the new Epoch
A: Oh ok. And so we come up to Now time – I know we’re trying to squeeze all of this into an extremely short amount of time – but if we look at where we are now, and in the question was around duality, the higher creative minds will separate. Does that mean that we will be free of this dense form again? Is that a possibility?
M: That is correct! You’re beginning to perceive how the dense form creates limitations…
A: indeed
M: and so creative mind is already beginning to break through the bonds and boundaries of physical limitation.
A: Right. Because I could understand that looking well into the future, and I realise that I’m talking about a timeline here, if we were free of form that it would be… a completely different way of living.
M: Of course and many things will alter as Human and post-Human, Super-Human development occurs. I want to point out, like all things, there is an inner consistency that occurs explaining all relevancies.
M: So always look for consistency.
A: Amongst … people? Amongst stories?
M: Stories.
A: Right.
M: Every story has its own inner consistency but does it match with everything else that you already understand?
A: Mm! I’m finding more and more stories that are consistent along those lines. A lovely analogy yesterday was about seeing ourselves at the moment on many many trains on parallel tracks that will eventually split off into different directions.
You had said 3 years, you estimated, you’ve got to choose your train while the trains are going slow and you can jump trains to a different world but, this channel was saying that by 2020 you will not be able to even see the other trains they’ll be off in so many other directions.
M: That is correct.
A: So it’s very fast then, isn’t it? It really is literally just the next few years to change as many people as we can.
M: Of course and that is what is occurring. As more and more understand the greater need for a higher state of imagination.
A: Yes. Wow.
M: Is that enough for today?
A: (laughs) That’s enough for a week! Plenty thank you that’s wonderful.
M: Then thank you for your time and we will adjourn, as it is, until next time.
A: And then you can teach me a little bit more again. Thank you so much Mercredan.
M: Good afternoon.
A: Good afternoon.
The conversation continued 2 weeks later here:
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