Numerologist Tania Gabrielle World Shift consciousness 2015In Numerology January 26 is an extra special day of unlimited abundance. It doesn’t mean it’s all going to happen today – though there are bound to be some Lottery winners today. It’s more about setting your intentions for the near future on what is possible.

If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you already know the rules of this new era.

  1. Ask and it is Given – Ask for what you want, add no thoughts that cancel it out and it will be delivered at the perfect time.
  2. Your imagination is the limit – Dream big! What if you could change all the rules? What if you could live completely differently to what you are living now? What would you change and why? Get it clear in your head then go back to rule #1
  3. Love the journey – I’ve only just completed the most beautiful session with Mercredan this morning which I’ll publish for you as soon as I’ve transcribed it. It included this message. Take it easy on yourself. You’re only Human. You’re allowed to make mistakes. Once you mute the voice inside which constantly criticises you and beats you up, from the silence will come a louder, wiser voice which shows you what you can learn from the mistakes of the past and move forward in a new, improved way. It’s all part of the fun of life!

So, for today, let your imagination flow in what would make the most joyous, amazing life and career, then see it created in your mind. Know it’s already in the pipeline and live it. You may find it’s nothing to do with achieving anything or owning something. It may just be what state of mind you would prefer to have.

Calm, peaceful, vital, focussed, clear, happy, loving, creative, directive, empowered – these are my words for the day.


Here’s the original Numerology article by Tania Gabrielle about today. Even if you’re not into Numerology, any excuse is a good excuse to turn your eyes forward in your life again, start re-designing and refining.

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