Looking at crop circles from ETs

You know me. Usually I am looking for a deeper message, a more advanced message. I like to challenge myself. Today though I am in a comforting, nurturing mood. The last couple of days I’ve had an emotional roller coaster which always gets me curious. Then on the various forums and group social media pages I am a part of I see the same emotional roller coaster played out. For me, when this happens, I find myself crying uncontrollably for a while, then I’m exhausted and highly critical, then I let it go. For others, they play it out in anger and abuse, trolling others with unnecessarily harsh comments that damage those who are not aware of what is going on and take it as an attack.

Then we discover that 3 days earlier (this is becoming a common occurrence) there was yet another big solar flair and we can sigh in relief – ah, there you go. That’s where it came from.

Sometimes it is astrology, sometimes harmful substances in our local area – I can smell it in the water or sometimes see it in the air – the important thing is to use the reaction of curiosity rather than just going with it like it’s beyond your control. Notice how you are behaving, see how it affects others, ask yourself what might be causing it because chances are it has not as much to do with your personal circumstance as  you think. Look around and you will find more and more we react together. We have peaceful periods. We have crazy periods. This too shall pass.

So, back to the nurturing mood, I came across this channelling by Judith Coates whose channelled entity is Jesus or Jeshua. For those who think that is impossible I usually ask, do you really think he stopped talking to us 2000 years ago? Do you think he was not advanced enough to come back or to pass on a message?

Of course I can’t guarantee Judith’s version of Jesus would be the same as mine for each of us interpret the messages we receive based on our own beliefs and life experience. I do like Judith’s work though and, with its comforting messages and gentle encouragement, I find this perfect for what I need today.



Energy, ET’s and Dementia

by Judith Coates. Click here to visit her website: http://www.oakbridge.org/articles.php?aid=272

Beloved one, in your human experience you are creating a vortex of Light energy, energy that can be measured. You have scientists who take sensitive readings so that they can study the energy that the body emits, and that the brain emits.

Always, even when you lay the body down to sleep and think that you have turned off most of the systems, not all of them, you are still emitting energy. You are still energizing the brain. It is still working. You may come back the next morning and remember where you have been—in a dream, you call it, and yet it is as real as what you are experiencing in the waking time. The brain is still emitting energy, because you are that energy.

There are times when you have gone to see the big screen and have been caught up in the drama where you are asking, “Oh, is it going to work out? Is he/she going to find the love of his/her life?” And you are almost at the point, especially if you are in the 3D movie, where you feel that you are right in the action…you are almost ready to scream, “Watch out!” because you are caught up in it.

You are playing out in “real” life a most wonderful drama. I have said to you that if you do not like the drama that you are in, stop, breathe, choose anew, because you are the one who is choosing and then judging what you feel the reality—lower case “r”—to be. And all of the time you are drawing the energy from the Reality —capital “R”—to make the drama that you live in.

Now, some of the drama that you live in is happy. It is creative. You enjoy putting the colors upon the canvas. You are making a most wonderful canvas of this life; moment by moment you are putting together the various colors, the vibrations, the aura that is you.

If you were to stand against a white wall and then move away from it, you would leave your imprint on the wall. There is still an energy picture on that wall. It may be for some of you a flash, and then it is gone, or you may look at it even later and see an outline of an energy that has been there.

That is how strong you are, how powerful you are, how alive you are. If you were to place a deceased body up against the wall, it would not have the same effect. But you, because you are breathing, living, emitting energy, taking in energy all the time, giving off energy all the time, you leave an imprint that can be seen.

There are times when ones look at you, and then they look away and can still see you, even though they are not actually looking at you. You have done that, and then you look back very quickly to see, “Are they still there?” Yes, they are still there. It is fun to play with energies.

Beyond the individual, there is a group vortex which is being created. It is being strengthened. You are calling other ones who have the same desires, same interests, to come and be with you so that you can play again, play in this dimension, as you call it, to be able to know the true joy of Being. That is the only thing that truly is worthwhile, is to know the joy of Being, to know that Who you are, the Energy that you are, was not made to suffer.

I did not suffer on the cross. I know that a lot has been made of my suffering. I did not suffer. And if I had suffered for you…well, I cannot do it for you. That has been a story.

Now I would speak with you about an expansive topic: the ET’s, as you call them. You have seen some of the language that they are leaving for you. You have looked at the pictures of what are known as circles, but they are not always circles, in the crops, and have wondered, “How did they get there? What is their message?”

The message truly is a mind to mind message. It is not something as concrete as your various languages that you have on holy Mother Earth. I know that you study the sounds that are in various languages, and you learn to speak other languages. You learn the sounds and equate them with meaning as to what the name for a table would be, what the name would be for a mirror, a tree, etc.

You learn the various languages, some of which are easier or more familiar to learn, and then the linguists among you say, “Well, let me see about some of the lesser known languages.” It is fun to do, and it is mind-expanding. It is moving to the next step where truly you do not need sound for the languages.

I have heard you searching for a word. “I’ve got it right here. It’s on the tip of my tongue. I’ve got it right here, what I want to say to you, but I can’t quite find the word for it.”

Well, you are moving to a space where you will not need words. You will not need sounds. You are moving to the place of mind to mind interchange of ideas. When you get to the place where you are mind to mind, all you will do is think of whatever you want to say, and the other person will pick it up as a picture, perhaps, as a knowing, and you will not have to go through the laboriousness of trying to find the right word and the right nuance of word.

It will be something that you project. In truth, you are already doing that as you are standing there trying to think, “Now, what is her name? I know her name. It’s umm, uh….” And then maybe a day or two later…“Oh, yes, it’s Genevieve.” Or maybe it comes to you in the middle of the night.

You already are doing mind to mind communication. You are already sending the picture of what you are thinking, but you have not yet come to the place of trusting that the other person is going to pick it up. But there are some times when it does happen, and you say, “Oh, wow, that’s really great. Yes, you got the meaning. I couldn’t quite get the words for it, but you know what I mean.” Then the other person says, “Yes, I know what you mean,” and they do.

The intergalactic Intelligence is a thing which you say to be of the future, as you understand linear time. Now, in truth, time is not linear. All time is contained within the concept of a sphere. What makes it seem to be linear is: you think from this point to that point within the huge sphere of understanding, and what connects those two points is a line; therefore, time must be linear, but it is not.

You are most engaging to watch. Know you that every time you have a thought, it does not stay within what you would call the brain. It does not. It is emitted, the same as your vibrational energy. That thought goes out, and that is why quite often you know what someone else is thinking even before they say it. That is why you are in sync with someones more than with others. You are on the same…well, you have called it the same wavelength. You are on the same wavelength with each other. Therefore, you do not need the words.

Then, because of generational teaching, you have been taught as the small one to make sounds and to change the sounds a little bit perhaps to say the right sound that somebody else will interpret to mean whatever is the commonly shared meaning of it.

And yet—as you have seen with your four-footed ones—you do not have to say any sound. In fact, they do not even hear what you are saying. Your sounds are just like a whole lot of vibrational whatever. They are mind to mind. You think of something, and if they are in the mood, they will understand it. They wonder sometimes why you are not a bit brighter to get the message that they are trying to give you. “What takes you so long to pick up the mental picture I am sending you?” Then they dance around and yip-yap and say, “Pay attention. I’m sending you this picture. I want my food right now. I want to go out. I have to go out,” and you had better let them out at that point.

They are doing what is truly your next what-you-will-call advanced step. They are doing mind to mind, and they do wonder why sometimes you are so slow to get the picture, because they are sending it, and they have to send it over and over and over, and then finally she pays attention, or he pays attention, and they may get what they are sending.

You are evolving to the place where you are not going to need the sounds, except the happy sounds of laughter and the happy sounds of music, sounds which bring you joy and allow you to resonate with the vibration. That is why many of you listen to the music that resonates with you.

Now, I know that there are things called music that are quite discordant. Every generation seems to go through a time of doing its own particular sounds. They groove to the certain sounds, and it is truly a groove. It is in the brain, and it is a groove, and they are evolving to the place where they are actually going to leave that behind as well. But meantime they are having fun with it.

On another note (smile), as a whole, as a collective, you are moving to the place where you will not have to worry about and judge dementia. Know you that the ones who are experiencing dementia are actually evolving? They are the ones who have given up being tied into sounds, words, and the meaning of sounds. They are being judged by society as being not as bright as they were earlier when they were very rapid with the sounds. But in truth, the ones who are into the place of dementia are not having to be so mental. They are de-mentia: they are out of being mental, and they are actually moving into a space the human race is evolving into. The sounds will not be necessary. The various configuration of sounds will not be necessary, all of the complexity.

You see, what you are moving towards is the remembrance of Home, the remembrance of Allness, the remembrance of Oneness that does not need all the various steps to make sense. You think now with the small ones that they have to learn the sounds, how the sounds go together, how there is an inflection if you are asking a question, or if there is a certain way of wanting to express something really strongly, etc.

They are learning all of the inflections, and it is quite a task. They are already at the place where—if you were to call it this—they are already at the place of dementia. They do not have to use words. When they are hungry, they let you know. When they want company, they will let you know. When they want the wetness changed, they will let you know. How do you know it? You know it by the picture that is sent to you. Or you may look at the clock and say, “Well, it’s probably time they might be hungry.” You have already gotten the message.

If you have emigrated from another country and have had to learn another language, at first it may not feel quite right to the ear, but you persevere with the new language, and you store the sounds of the former language in memory, and if someone speaks to you in what was the former language, you can understand the sounds and see what the meaning is. But again, it is more mind to mind than even the sounds.

Most wonderful experiences that you make for yourself, even in something as seemingly basic as language and sounds. But to communicate with the intergalactic ET’s and what they are trying to say to you, it is mind to mind. You look at the designs that they make and get a feeling. You sit with it and ask, “What is this about?” Ideas will come to you.

For the most part, the designs that are made in the crop circles are ways of saying, “We are here. We are here with you. You may not see us,” because they know how to manipulate energy. They know how to either bring it together in very dense form that you would take in with the sensory eyes—you would see the form—or not. For the most part, they move about in amongst you, and you do not see form. You may feel something a little bit different, but then, for the most part, you are very busy attending to the world so that you do not ponder it too long. But they walk amongst you and, for the most part, you would judge them to be friendly—for the most part.

There are ones who like to play with drama, the same as ones who are activating the more solid bodies. So they may move certain objects that you have in the house, and you may say, “I don’t think I put it there. Well, I must have put it there, and then I forgot I put it there.” Well, maybe not. Maybe they know how to manipulate energy and put it somewhere else. And then you wonder what is going on. You may say, “Well, the cat did it. The dog did it. Of course, they moved it.” (Smile)

You are moving into a most wondrous time. There have been many messages of change, and you are feeling change. I commend you for the intricacies of the realities that you bring for yourself, because you are doing the most wondrous day by day advancement, as you see it, in your technology. Your technology is getting very small. You can carry it around in the pocket. When it dings a little bit, you say, “Oh, I have to look at it.” Or it may actually do a ring tone of some sort, and you know you are being called to attend to something. Even if it does not make any sound, you take it out quite often just to check.

Know you what a miracle that is, that you are creating? And it changes. From year to year it changes so that you have to get the new model, right? So you are having fun with your inventions, your technology. You do this in order to keep the mind happy, or not so happy sometimes.

We have spoken in other times of the ways that the mind wants to keep you involved, how everything you see, you want to analyze and understand what the meaning is and take it to the mind. Then you remember after a while to take it to the heart and see what the deeper meaning is, what it has as feeling, what does it feel like?

You will do the same with the language of the circles. What they are trying to communicate to you is, “We are here. You are not alone. We are here. We have intelligence. We are intelligent.” It is a communication that is very basic to the feeling nature: “You are not alone, we are all from the same Source.”

Even the ones that some of you have said in a preliminary judgment are of negative energy, this is not really true. The negativity is in the eye of the beholder. The basic message is, “We are here; you are not alone.” You think that you are encased in a body, and maybe there is energy that goes out twelve inches or more, because ones can photograph the body and see the aura. But you think that is all there is. That is not all there is, and that is what they are trying to say. “We are here with you.” They want to be recognized; they are trying to give you the message that you are not alone.

You see, for humans, because there is a delineation of body—in other words, this is where the body ends— you feel alone. From the time that you are birthed, there is an underlying message that you have understood and have grasped for yourself: that you are alone and you have to make your way in the world. You have to learn what is acceptable. You have to learn the language. You have to make decisions for yourself, and hopefully those decisions will be good. And there is a loneliness that all of you feel. It goes with the territory of human expression and experience.

So ones who are a bit beyond that are letting you know that you are not alone. And when you sit in the quietness…I know that some of you have gone and actually sat in the crop circles and been able to feel that you are not alone.

And as you have understood, the interpretation of the energy is to that one person who is interpreting it. If they have a certain inclination towards fear, they are going to see whatever energy there is in that way. If they have been, as you would put it, lucky enough to be raised with a circle of friends, they may be more open to having a wider circle of friends.

But they are here, and they are doing what you are evolving into, the place where you do not need the specificity of sound and language, where you can be as the four-footed ones and just hold that picture of the food dish and say, “This is what’s important to me,” and hopefully the human is going to receive the message sooner or later.

It is an exciting time to be here as human. I know, because I had several lifetimes as human, and I know how it is to feel alone, to feel apart; not as a part, but to feel apart from others and to feel that you have to make your own way. In one way, that is true, because you are making your reality —lower case “r”—as you go along, but at the same time you are connected by the divine energy of wholeness with everyone you meet and with ones you do not see.

It is a time now when things are changing, and it is an exciting time to know that truly you are moving beyond words, beyond language, beyond the mental and the mind to the place of the heart, knowing that, truly, That Which you are and That Which everyone you see, is an extension of the true Reality. It is exciting.

So, hang on, enjoy the ride.

So be it.

Article is by Judith Coates. Click here to visit her website: http://www.oakbridge.org/articles.php?aid=272

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