JThe future of scienceust spotted this session from Lee Carroll channelling Kryon in Las Vegas December 2016. He speaks about the energy numbers carry either individually, in identical pairs or the quantum energy which is created when sitting next to each other. Sometimes you see the same number or repeated combination of numbers over and over which is there to give you a message.

He also talks about carrying those meanings into the 2017 year and how each of us get our own individual messages through numbers on a day to day basis. Different messages for each to match what’s coming up for us, what to look out for.

I’ve done a quick reference on the number values. He talks about taking your name and adding up the number values to match the letters in your name. If, during your life, people start calling you by a different name or you choose a different name to better suit you, to add those letter values up to find your main energy and direction.

Quick Numerology Reference

Write our your name in separated letters and write the matching number underneath, then add them all up.
If it’s a single number, leave it as that.
If it’s two identical numbers like 22 or 33 or 66, leave them as is for they are a master number.
If it’s two numbers that are different, add them together as well to get a single number.

A=1  B=2  C=3  D=4  E=5  F=6  G=7  H=8  I=9  J=10  K=11  L=12  M=13
N=14  O=15  P=16  Q=17  R=18  S=19  T=20  U=21  V=22  W=23  X=24  Y=25  Z=26


J O E    B L O G G S = 10+15+5   +2+12+15+7+7+19     = 30 + 62 =  92  = 9+2 = 11 master number

You can do the same with your birthday   day + month + four digit year

These are roughly the meanings Kryon gives in the session. They may differ from other numerology sites as they may be specific to this timeframe.

Base numbers in Numerology

1 = all there is, unity
2 = duality, free choice, puzzle
3 = catalyst (healers often have this number around them) They change things around them without changing themselves.
4 = earth number, community, Gaia, grounded, farmers, agriculture
5 = forced change
6 = harmony, spiritually high, co-operative
7 = all things spirituality, alters, spiritual activity etc
8 = manifestation and abundance. Not just money but health, life, immunity…
9 = completion of a cycle, the end of something, graduation

Master numbers in Numerology

11 = Illumination. People who see this number or even repeated e.g. – 11:11 on the clock are here to be illuminated
22 = strong duality.  A decision which has very different results in opposite directions
33 = ultimate compassion. This is our current active number of DNA as well.

Other master numbers higher e.g. – 44, 55, 66 etc. are yet to be understood. They will come clear as we evolve and are currently not available to decipher.

Here’s the recording. I think the numerology lesson starts around the 20 minute mark.

Also this part II from the same series. His message starts at 1:15 though I haven’t listened to the whole thing yet so will add a summary of notes later.

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