
The world feels like it’s in chaos right now. So many old structures crumbling, crimes that were hidden for decades now caught in the spotlight with their pants down.
It might appear that the world is falling apart, the money is drying up and we are being frog marched into a police state but that is not the case.
The plans for new systems to replace those crumbling have been well thought out. All the wrinkles have been ironed out and the safeguards are already built in against future corruption. They are ready to be installed once the old systems are destroyed.
Be calm.
This may be hard for you to see if you’ve been running a busy life. You may not have had the hours to question every piece of news, dig in the internet and learn what’s really going on behind the scenes.
That’s ok. It can’t be learnt in a hurry. All will be revealed in the end.
In the meantime, I felt the simplest thing I could offer you, is some gentle recordings you can listen to on your phone, computer or tablet.
Put those earbuds in, move further away from the device to reduce the effect of the frequencies it emits, then take a deep breath, add a little smile and relax into these recordings.
I’ve made a mix in the collection. Some are meditations for different times of the day. Others are what I consider to be wise words from ancient texts. Even if you don’t fully understand them, the tone is designed to relax you, bring comfort and assurance that you are safe. Everything is going to be alright. Let go of your everyday worries. Finances, relationships, health and the craziness outside your space right now can wait.
The platform I’ve used is Insight Timer, created by Australians and now proudly one of the most popular meditation apps on the market. In the app, most meditations are free but you can opt to pay a small fee to do online courses or access prime content.
All my meditations for you are free though I might add a course or two later and will let you know via my newsletter when that happens.
Free Meditation Samples
Sleep meditation: Dream of a new world
Sleep meditation: Sleep like a cat
Find Peace in the Present Moment
Heal the Children
Part 1 in a 3 part series Find your beauty, Find your power, Find your wisdom
Part 1 in a 7 part series of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth
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