Donald Trump and the USA Presidential electionsAfter quite a break we decided it was time to consult Mercredan again for a higher perspective view of the latest happenings, particularly around the USA presidential elections and the upset it has caused. Here is a transcript of that conversation…

Mercredan on Donald Trump, USA Elections and the World shift

Channelled by Francis Evans
Interviewed by Annabelle Drumm
14 November 2016



M: Good afternoon. Once again it is my privilege and pleasure to come and spend these few moments of your time. Let us begin on such an auspicious occasion because so much is in the pipeline. So many transitions that have been waited for for a long period are becoming more to the forefront. What we have suggested and shared in the past is becoming more obvious and clear as the two realities begin to separate out as it begins. So shall we begin a conversation?

Trump, US Presidential Elections, World shift

A: OK. I have a number of things to ask but I think I’d like to start with what you’d just said there. I’m assuming you are speaking of the world stage?

M: Of course. Not just on the stage of the people but the Planetary Guardians’ beginnings to shake up the planet once again and becoming to the forefront that all things are connected and one cannot separate oneself from the whole.

A: Right. So can you tell us a little more about how the Planetary Guardians are shaking us up?

M: Everything is interconnected. So whatever occurs within the conscious mind, occurs across consciousness itself. And so you have had what you would call a political shakeup in the biggest nation of your planet and immediately the planet begins to shake itself up. It is “the first of the warning signs”. Shall we say then that no matter what, the old system has been placed on notice. It will not be as it was in past times and, I also want to point out, so many theories are also being shaken up. Ideas of other beings from different realities and so forth and on it goes but, in the end, what has always been the pathway is the creativity of a unified Consciousness.

A: The creativity. So we are creating… A lot of this was in the pipeline. Uh, are we creating something different from what was in the pipeline?

M: Not at all. It was always clear that in the beginning is a Oneness and it is only when One separates that a duality occurs. So it is then, that two things opposing one another will always be resonating one against the other and that is what occurs. What is moving inside of the planet is a realignment of the pressures and tensions that are prevalent across the planet. The old “Orders” no longer can control the system. You understand, what is unleashed has been unleashed and is unstoppable until it finds its new level of balance.

A: Right. Now, you say it is all interconnected so I can’t even point to one particular part. It’s not just political? How else does it connect? We were talking about the old system of who controls the money and the politics and things …

M: All of it. You understand, you have created a world of diversity. Those that control, those that are without power. Those with money, those without. Those in terror, those without and so on it goes. And all of it is man made because of conscious decisions. Because of the concept of separation. So this religion and that religion. This land and that land. These people and those people and so on it goes. You are either with me or against me and nobody has truly acknowledged that you are all on the same planet and no matter what occurs, you will all be on the same boat. So fighting on the same boat is not a very wise thing because eventually somebody sacrifices the boat. Then everyone will drown.

A: Is there something in the talk of extra-terrestrials and UFOs that will help us to see we are on the same boat? Or is that not necessary?

M:  Consciousness plays with all sorts of concepts and as such, brings them into the experiential realities but it is no different to any other conceptual framework. Everybody knows that the system, as it is, is unsustainable. Everybody knows and [there are] those who want to reduce the population by force and those that want to reduce the population so it is possible for all to be taken care of. There is no need for the vast populations when those are in the greatest need cause the greatest problem.

A: Cause the greatest problem?

M: Of course, because your population isn’t tuned to those that are in the greatest need. So while you withhold from those, then you create your own certain demise and when you attack those, then once again you cause a greater speed of demise. Until that is recognised, the world will continue its tumultuous pathway and create greater and greater waking up of the population. So it is always bound to be an evolution of awareness.

A: So when you speak of reducing the population, whether by force or any other way, is this … we originally talked about this and you said that the reducing would come about by natural causes.

M: Of course.

A: And that we as a collective know its time to reduce down, we don’t need as many souls on the planet now. So, when you talk about reducing by force, is this something that is still a potential?

M: Shall we say, there are those that wish it upon others, those who are fearful of their own positions. Those that have called themselves “the Elite”, those that have accumulated all the resources, of course, must shed them. Otherwise it continues on and, as more and more people awaken, there is more and more turmoil and eventually a greater and greater separation.

A: And is that what you meant at the beginning of the session of splitting into two realities?

M: Of course. It has always been a possibility. Humankind cannot truly expect itself to awaken so rapidly, so there will always be those that are yet ready to transcend into a different paradigm.

( I see these two realities then, as one group in the old way of thinking which is to compete or to serve self and survive ahead of others while the other more evolved group understands we must – and already can – provide for all. )

A: Mm OK. And now that we have these transitions happening, was there any one particular event that really sped things up?  (I ask this because there has been much speculation about the statement from another channel named Bashar saying one particular event which happens during the “Fall” in the Northern Hemisphere will change everything.)

M: Shall we say it has been coming in the thought for a very long time. Those that want to hang on to the old path and the old prescriptions and those that want to progress to a more unified system of balance. Those then are awakening to the need and the desperate requirement for balance. That, as always, will come from an unusual and unrecognised quarter. The nature of Humanity is that which is least expected begins to demonstrate a different quadrant as it were.

A: Which is more entertaining, right?   (In these sessions Mercredan often points out how entertainment Humanity is to all those watching and to ourselves.)

M: Of course and also more useful in the overall evolution of Humanity and the support of the transition to the next species. We are very clear that the next species will not inhabit an old paradigm.  (He has previously explained that the new Earth species are our children born after December 2012 who have what we might see as Super Human skills, discernment of the truth, a deeper understanding of reality and can teach us much.)

A: No, so as more awaken and we have these two mindsets, one in the old and one in the new, how do they coexist?

M: They do not. They separate out.

A: How can they separate? I do not understand.

M: A new thinking has been born out of the old consciousness. In your political sense where it is most obvious, what occurred is two extremes fighting within an old system which has bred the very movement that would not have occurred had they not been in conflict. So there is a greater movement than ever before for a transformative shift in consciousness. Not just in one state, shall we say, but across the planet. Everybody has been watching the tournament, as it were. Shall we call it the boxing match. What they have woken up to is that the leaders of the world are untrustworthy. A new way of being, a new way of receiving and more openness is essential for the survival of everybody. So it has not been of no consequence. It has brought to the surface, not just what the America means to itself but, what this style, the old world paradigm, means to the survival of the whole. So all over this sort of thinking has been transformed. Now there is a call for more honesty.

A: Yes ok. So with the election past in America and they’ve chosen their President…

M: It’s not fixed.

A: … it’s still within the old System…

M: Shall we say, nothing is fixed! Nothing is fixed because you cannot entertain such a model. You cannot entertain that everything should be on a whim. In the end, before it even becomes solid and formed, there is much to be brought to the surface.

A: So is this something we can expect to be actually reported? Or is it going to happen with the media being silent?

M: Everything is in the air. Even what you call the media cannot remain silent and cannot ever endorse such a … a … (long pause) a show. There is a better word. Spectacle!! You understand what I mean. Even they cannot uphold such a spectacle that has occurred. How can anybody take it seriously? How can any body align itself because the global world, the peoples are watching. In the watching it becomes more of a spectacle and now someone has to decide. The Emperor has to decide what is going to happen.

A: Who is the Emperor?

M: There are those behind the scenes and there is alignment with the Planetary Guardian. Do you understand?

A: No I don’t.

M: Shall we say, the Planetary Guardian is watching and so is so many others. All around, you are surrounded by players in the market. You cannot simply think that it is over because the biggest bully in the playground has turned turncoat. You understand what I mean. It’s only matters when everybody else backs down.

A: Which is not likely.

M: Which is because any one of them might want to for their own survival but, what has happened is the vast majority of people have awoken. They are waking up to the monstrous stupidity of what happens when you are only playing to the camera.

A: Mm

M: You understand what I mean? When you are saying one thing with no intentions whatsoever, now you have caused the very thing that was not in your plan. It cannot be put to rest again. The sleeping giant has awoken. As one has always said, if the giant is asleep, do not prod it awake. Then when you prod it awake and it wakes up it will be disgruntled. It is not in one place but across the planet, the very thing that you least wanted has been put on show.

A: Can you just clarify what it is that’s now on show? Is it prejudice perhaps?

M: Of course but it is the manipulation of leaders across the planet that have been much more subtle. Suddenly they have been exposed. Shall we say, what you would call “The Emperor has no clothes.”

A: Yes. And if they are exposed throughout the planet then, how do we change the whole planet at once?

M: You understand, it will be an ongoing movement to break up and the demand of Consciousness for a shift.

A: So it will be one country at a time then?

M: Shall we say, an escalating roar.

A: Mm, no wonder we’re the best show in the Universe. (laughs)

M: This is the point and what also occurs at the same time is, there is a withdrawal from the system. So many are taking actions into their own hands. They are doing what they need to do, free from the system. A growing movement then, of connections. When that occurs, people begin to reorganise.

A: So the withdrawal from the system are from people who were originally part of the system pulling out. But the leading players who sit behind the scenes… well, I suppose they have a choice, don’t they, whether they’re going to hang on till the very very end or they choose to withdraw early.

M: You have to remember that you cannot keep power when the consciousness of the planet has shifted. One cannot be out of alignment with the consciousness and that is shifting at an increasingly fast rate. That is because movements have begun.

A: I know it’s all interconnected so how would this affect the economy if so much is going to happen in the next two months before that President is solidified? Does that affect our economy through that time as well?

M: A shift is occurring in all frameworks. So when One thinks of Economy as if it will be tipped upside down, your Economy is a set of balances in relationship with other Economies. The whole  world is simply in a balanced environment using raw materials to produce items of use and so on it goes. As it moves forward, the goods that you produce become higher valued and higher integrity and eventually they are the very tools that connect the world. It is technology itself that is beginning to change itself and to change the system, as such. Once you start a rock rolling down the hill, a big one at that, it is very hard to stop it even if you build a huge wall it will crash into it and there is no certainty it will not go right through it or roll over the top.

A: So if this is Technology making the rock, being the rock rolling faster, in what ways is it unstoppable now? Is it in terms of transparency…

M: Transformation. It is transforming how everybody thinks. You are trying to stop it with walls and barriers but it is already far too late. Initially you thought, “Oh, what a wonderful thing. We can make more money from it.” Now it is out of control and it is not making what you wanted but undermining the very principles that were in place.

A: So it’s almost making everything free.

M: Of course and that is eventually the only possible option.

A: So all we need now is to be able to make food and fresh water free as well and we’re on our way. (laughs)

M: All of it is possible. Not “making” it because it is abundant upon your planet.

A: It’s the management of it, isn’t it.

M: It is the management and the access of it.

A: Mm. Distribution.

M: The distribution and the excessive requirements. All of it has to be reorganised.

A: How do we reorganise when people are so determined to make money out of it and be competitive?

M: All of that in its own good time. I am pointing out your technology has transformed the very nature of consciousness. How did you expect that to be the case? Or was it just something that happened as a result of something else? Do you understand what I mean? One did not set out with the technology to transform Consciousness. That is a bi-product of the technology. The technology that changed Consciousness continues on to shift everything because Consciousness pre-determines everything else.

A: And, in terms of weather patterns, is that a part of the shakeup as well? Will there be more in that direction?

M: Of course. Everything is in its correct timing. All things in their perfect balance. No matter what. When humanity unbalances some aspects the planetary Guardian responds and rebalances it in other ways because it is an impossibility for the loss of balance to occur. This is a Law that Science has understood for centuries however, the rest of Humanity thinks it is possible to accumulate on one side of the ledger without having results on the other side. Consequences. And of course that is quite an insanity.

A: Yes (laughs)

M: Even the very people who are carrying out such a plan understand it is an impossibility. You cannot carry your books if they are unbalanced. That means your finances have to balance in the end otherwise something is missing and if it is missing then it still balanced by the pathway by which it went somewhere else.

A: Which needs to be exposed.

M: Of course.

A: OK. Is there anything more on the planetary side of things that we need to know at this point?

M: That is enough because so many people are upset rather than watching with awe as the planet moves forward.

A: Yes. There have been plenty of calls for calm before this happened but it doesn’t seem to be reaching too far.

M: Who is calling for the calm? Those that would want to impose more of the same. Those that would wish to ignore what has just been exposed.

A: No, it was more to do with other channellers saying “watch with awe” rather than “get upset and smash windows”.

M: Everything has consequences. You cannot effectively expect criminal behaviour to not bring about criminal behaviour. You understand when you are willing to cheat and lie and distort the reality or to work undercurrents about what is truly the will of the people as such, then they will respond with due patterns. And this is the nature of the learning experience. You want to test a theory, one watches the result and one arrives at a conclusion.

A: Mm. But if we ended up with the other president candidate, surely it would that have been just as bad.

M: Of course because both are not what is needed so, the will of the people is such as it turns out. Consciousness arose at this particular point – anything to disrupt to bring to the surface all that is out of balance.

A: Yes, ok. That sounds good.


Elders, Atlantians, Earth wobble potential

A: OK, I have been following the Elders and am interested to know how they can be of help in this case, in this change.

M: These ones have made a choice not to interfere in the evolution of Humanity because they have realised that you cannot interfere without causing greater upset. So they are truly only a group of wise Beings offering some forms of advice.

A: They feel like heroes to me though I understand they cannot force themselves in on the current…

M: Even if they did they would be out of kilter, out of alignment with the evolutionary process. Humankind goes through these evolutionary moments over great periods of time. The last one was the enormous shift into the specific group that has been known as the Knowledgeable Ones. That is, what you call Homo Sapiens which have not turned out to be that “Knowledgeable”. (Knowledgeable meaning a species which uses its brain to figure stuff out rather than using the wisdom of intuition.)

But they were beginning to organise knowledge into a particular pattern and fashion and these Ones have come to their final conclusory point. Next is an evolutionary shift that will reorganise.

A: And before that was the Atlantians, right?

M: Of course.

A: Right, so the Atlantians had their evolutionary shift and that’s where the continent sank?

M: That is correct. That is when they disturbed the very path of the planet and indeed shifted the meteorology, that is the weather patterns of the planet, for the duration. It is possible although unlikely that the planet will move once again. It could indeed as some have predicted completely shift if there is no radical movement in Consciousness.

A: Mm. but that movement already seems to be on the way.

M: It is always tottering, that is, always threatening until Consciousness arrives at its decision. At the present time there is such a movement to rebalance things.

A: OK. That feels like a good amount in addressing the broader view. Thank you.


(The conversation continued on to other topics from here.)


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