energetic earth crystalline nodes nodal gridHere the latest transcript from Mercredan interviewed by our friend Susan. I am constantly amazed how what appears to be a simple question can open up to the most profound conversation or lesson. You have to admit though, it was a great question to start the conversation.

There is mention of the planetary changes during the World Shift in Consciousness which are mirrored in the breaking down of old systems, fossil fuels about to be replaced in a quick efficient manner, shifting fluids under the surface of the Earth which will affect the flora and fauna as well.

The conversation then turns to a continuation on what we’ve learnt so far around the beliefs we hold on to and how that affects us after death. We look at religion, our own personality development and the creation of evil identities or spirits.

Always remember you are a powerful co-creator. What you put your focus on is what you create. So, as with the reminder near the end of the session, if you think you need protection, surround yourself with white light/purple flame etc. in the spiritual sense, or whether you do it in a physical sense putting lots of locks on the doors and windows, either way you are creating simultaneously that which you need protection from.

This is why I tend to side step the channellers who focus their attention on nasty aliens, criminals, gangsters, Illuminati etc. Each time they draw that image in to the minds of the listeners, it actually adds energy and “solidness” to the possibilities. Anything you fear adds great energy to it. Anything you are angry about adds great energy to it.

I’m not saying we put blinkers on, put our hands over our ears and say “la la la” really loud when a burglar is in our house. I am saying if its not directly in your life – like 99.999999% of the things you see on mainstream news and its beyond your reach or inspiration to do something about, then turn your attention to the place where you stand right now. Start with Self. Focus on finding complete peace of mind, an optimistic attitude, love and consideration for others; reasons to laugh and be creative. By creating this in your life it ripples out in very powerful ways and affects everyone around you. That is the best way you can help the Shift in Consciousness.

There are others who are “inspired” to take on the job of cleaning up the baddies and making them accountable. Send them your good thoughts, your visions of them succeeding – which they are – and then turn back to making Peace on Earth in your own back yard.

Enjoy the transcript and feel free to write your comments or questions on the Facebook page here http://www.facebook.com/kitegirlannabelledrumm .

If you are interested in having a personal session with Mercredan via Master Channeller Francis Evans, he does Skype sessions. You can ask anything to understand better your personal, community, national, global or cosmic questions. Visit his site here for more details: www.francis-evans.com  There are more details on how a session works here https://kitegirlcoach.com/who-is-mercredan/

Mercredan Session

Channelled by Francis Evans
Interviewed by Susan Worth
May 18, 2016

M:  Good evening.  Once again, it is my privilege and pleasure to come and spend these few moments of your time.  As we have been saying for a long time, many things, many transformations and shifts have begun to occur all over your planet as new consciousness begins to shake up the old patterns.  And like many things, not everything comes to the surface at once.  So very often, what appears on the surface is the reaction to the shifting sands of time, the shifting consciousness.  So underneath, many things are happening, many threads are coming together.  And when it comes together, it exposes that which was hidden beneath.  So you are beginning to see, first of all, the cracks in the old system.  Is that enough to begin a conversation?

Planetary changes, Climate Change

S:  It is perfect, because you just finished with the “cracks” in the old way.  And so often you’ve described the current condition of our planet as being on a precipice, something like a dam about to burst.  And you’ve said it won’t be a sudden event, but will we notice when the dam bursts or has the dam already burst and we’re just seeing the water coming flooding down?

M:  Not as severe as it has been in the past.  Long times before the current civilization, the shift was catastrophic in nature, such that only a few of the enlightened beings continued to inhabit the remaining sections of the physical reality as you understand it.  So you can say the cracks are appearing, and have been for quite some time, both physically — shall we call it geologically, because that is the lowest form, the most solid form of physical matter.  So the very insides of your planet are beginning to agitate.  Not just that, but also the fluids within the natural environment are shifting their position, so much of what you call climate change in fact is a redistribution of the fluids within the body of the planet itself.

S:  Now, are you talking about our oceans and their currents, or something deeper?

M:  Of course.  Not just the oceans, but the fluid system, which as you understand is a cyclic replenishment of your natural environment.  So not just that which is disturbing the nature of the oceans and the seas, but one is also changing the nature of the structure of the nature of the earth — that is, the fluid cycle affects the next level, the fauna, the flora of the planet — that is, the trees and so forth are shifting as well because of the disruption.  So humankind is disrupted, and such disruption is brought about because of the shift in consciousness.  And so it is that the old reliable system is being refunctioned (sic) because one has to change the way one interacts, connects with one’s physical environment.  That ensures that there is an increase of explorations and, therefore, new technologies.  New technologies are in effect the radicalization of consciousness.  So the old systems, the old methods, the old functions of even such systems such as governmental systems, are in the process of transformation, and the old cannot survive the new appearances.  So then the old system is reacting as always.

S:  Right.  So back to my question, has the dam then already burst or are we still…

M:  The dam is not such a good analogy, as if suddenly there will be a flood.  Not as yet.  The shift in consciousness is an escalation, a speeding, of change.  And during so, there are kickers amongst the new approaches.

S:  What do you mean by “kickers”?

Replacing Fossil Fuels

M:  Things that will replace the old.  You are so reliant on what you call the fossil fuels of the past, and there has been an ongoing struggle to keep that system working.  And of course it has become more and more tenuous, and eventually, within a shot period of time, it will simply be superseded in an almost instantaneous replacement.

S:  Okay!  That’s very exciting.

M:  In doing that, then the old system has to transform itself, because it cannot any longer avoid the inevitable.  And this is being mirrored at the same time by what we already talked about, the exposing of the underlying causes of civilization’s disharmony.

S:  Right.  This idea of separateness and…

M:  The idea of separateness, the idea that one group can benefit while another sinks lower into the system.  It becomes clearer and clearer that while you do this, you inevitably destroy the system that you are trying to maintain.  So there is then a shift in consciousness that begins to realize that for all to benefit, everyone must be feeding from the same source.

Religion and Life After Death

S:  Right.  Can you explain to me, or help me understand, how my former bridge partner (we’ve spoken about her before) can… She truly believes that she is a “Christian,” in the sense of having the consciousness of Christ, but her thinking is directly opposite mine in terms of our society values, and yet I also think that I’m “Christian” in the sense of having the Christ consciousness, if you can understand what I mean. So how can two people who think they’re in the same place, be so completely polarized?

M:  First of all, one misunderstands the teachings of the Great Master (Mercredan’s name for Jesus, being the best teacher the planet has ever had). So that one can keep a social order, it was decided many centuries ago that Christianity, as such, was a political system.  In reality, all religions were turned into political mechanisms of, first of all, guiding and maintaining order.  And while, in the beginning, the system was very beneficial, over time and with the nature of human dysfunction, it has become a crutch on which to lean.  In other words, it has become the mechanism of separation, whether it is one extremist from the next, whether you want to make it an extreme Christian, an extreme Catholic, an extreme Muslim, or an extreme Jew — it doesn’t matter at all, because each one is functioning on exactly the same perspective.  They are even honoring the same God!  But each one wishes harm to the other.

S:  Where does that basic misunderstanding come from?  How can my…

M:  It comes from political necessity, so that one can manage the societies and the social structure and the climatic nature of where one is inhabiting. (Notice how this is viewed without judgement. It is simply seeing it and the agenda behind it.)

S:  But can’t one manage that without doing harm to something else?

M:  Of course!  Of course that occurred until recent times when you were able to become more mobile and move around the world.  Up until that period of time, while there were skirmishes, each religious system more or less stayed in its own compound.  It was not so much fractionating.  And in the end, while each one interacted with the other for mutual benefit, that is trade and the sharing of information and study, which one valued, of course.  Only in recent times has there been setting up of new territories in places where the functional order was not acceptable.  And so then one begins to isolate and separate out into smaller groups and move into defensive mode, which very often is aggressive and offensive; the result of course, is that one then considers others to be dangerous.

S:  To be our enemies.

M:  And when you understand this, then you start to realize that it is not a religion that you are disputing, it is an education.

S:  I totally understand that.

M:  Because in the end, very few people even consider what is behind these statements, what was the purpose, what is truly the message of the teachers?  As I have commented many times, the Christian guide, the Great Master himself, was not accepted in his own time, was not in agreement with the attitudes and the interpretations of the time.  And only when he had been eliminated could the organization begin to manage, once again, how the words should be interpreted.  You understand, the Great Master was free of the inputs of the social order of his day.  He was, therefore, a free thinker, he considered the messages of his own faith and could realize what was behind it.  What was it that the people needed in the present time?  The result, of course, is an endless dispute that has separated many people across the planet.

S:  And in terms of that dispute, is that kind of representative of the two trains that are drifting further and further apart?  Because it seems like that basic dispute is just never, ever going to get resolved.

M:  Shall we say [long pause], so often it appears as if someone is in dispute.  Always it is a question of who is in the majority.  As soon as the majorities change, then those that would not want to be seen as outsiders will join the new paradigm.  That is, most of those that have not bothered to think for themselves.  So they will not change their minds.  They will continue not to think for themselves, so they will naturally, even without knowing it, change their attitudes as indeed they have done so over most of their lives.  So this one that you are talking about would be in dispute with her own earlier beliefs.

S:  At the current moment, or in the future when she looks back…?

M:  At the current moment.  What she thought was the truth in the past, she would deny that she ever considered those things if one were to challenge it in the present.  So you think that you are in dispute, and I want to say, because you create an attitude of dispute, she finds it even harder to consider what you are saying. (Note here Mercredan points out to the interviewer that it is her own attitude which causes the other to put up her defences. We can all learn from that.)

If you were to acknowledge that she has her own beliefs and these are a good, solid approach to managing life, and that you have slightly different viewpoints and you managed to drop hints, then she would find herself generally shifting closer.  But, of course you want her to shift!  And she will not, because that is how, in this case, she was forced into a corner in the past.  So for some people, lifetimes of being in the minority have played havoc with their present systems.

S:  Okay.  I was just asking the question as kind of a microcosm of what I see going on on our planet now where the values of sharing and taking care of each other and keeping the currency flowing seem to be so much in accord with what the new world will be, and the values I think she has seem to be so much in the opposite, where she would support building a wall and keeping what is hers and being in a protective mode…

M:  Of course!

S:  So how can those two things…

M:  Because fear is very persuasive.

S:  But how can anything be resolved or come to a unity when the person or people are either not able or not willing to shift, or am I not understanding that the shift will bring things together?

M:  Of course it will shift the attitudes, because in the end, most of the old ways will die off with the old people.  The old fears always affect the body.  Fears, then, bring about transformation, whether you want it or not, and then one will simply transition and get a new perspective.

S:  So will this one we’re speaking of then, or me, or maybe the answer is different for the two of us…

M:  Of course!

The Need For Reincarnation

S:  Okay.  ‘Cause one of my questions was, are you able to tell, or can you discern from where I am now, will I be one of those entities that chooses to incarnate again on this planet?

M:  Not at all!  Because for many reasons, one has adopted a new philosophy of life.  One begins to recognize, as we have been saying, that the reality of experience is simply the product of one’s attitudes and expressions.  Having realized that, then you realize that there is no physical world in which to reincarnate into!  So how can you possibly reincarnate into a place that doesn’t exist?  However, you can descend into one’s own creations in order to experience the results in thinking.  In other words, one can still sit in the position of the Author, but one is not lost in the creation.  And when that occurs, the reality is unstable.  That is, it does not continue in a linear fashion ordered by a set of solid dimensions necessary under the old order.  If you descend in and you are lost, then the physical world has the very coordinates necessary, that being the three dimensions plus the time.

(This viewing of yourself from “above” looking at the little character playing out their role on the stage of life, is highly valuable when you want the role or the situation surrounding that character to change. There is plenty more on the topic. You can use the search magnifying glass in the right side column to search for Author.)

S:  So my friend that we’re speaking of, since she’s in such completely different place, will she then reincarnate into what will be the new world, or will she have a different journey?

M:  Because of the solid nature of the beliefs, this one will find herself in an in-between state.  That is, because she can neither manage to ascend into heaven, nor is she in such a bad way as to be tossed into hell, then she will remain in the decision position, trying to decide whether she is damned or not.  And that position can take long periods of time before one awakes to the fact that it is irrelevant what the judgment is, because only self is judging.

S:  So will she, like everyone else, then, have the unfurling of her life?

M:  The unfurling is part of this.  In her unfurling, the life begins to unfurl in the conceptual framework of heaven and hell.

S:  Okay, because that’s what she’s brought over with her.

M:  Of course!  And you cannot escape the very beliefs that you have ordered, you have put into your creation.

S:  I totally understand now, for the very first time!

M:  And of course the God that you have given over your power to is so separate from self that you cannot realize that it is only your own way of dealing with situations.

S:  I totally understand now.

M:  Eventually like all, what occurs is the apostles — that is a good term for it (laughing) because these are the manifestations of the Great Master — the followers will eventually convince this one that she has misinterpreted what was being said.  So you could say, many like this will attend “Bible studies.”

S:  Which is so interesting, because that’s what she’s doing literally here on this planet.

M:  Of course, and that is the only way she will eventually get a new perspective.

S:  I understand, because it’s in her framework.

M:  Of course.  And it is beautiful, because it does not harm.  It does not make her wrong at all, but it allows this one to benefit from a new perspective, and at that point she will once again have the choice of either returning into the old framework to re-evaluate or she can take on what we have described as the apprenticeship in the new framework.  More likely in this case that she will at least take on a minor lifetime that is in a period that she is comfortable with, and be able to understand and view the dangers of religious indulgence.

S:  Okay.  That is so wonderful.  That is just huge tonight.

M:  And in this case, this one will probably find that the choice would be to be born into a religious family and have to break free of it.  Part of its nature of dealing with the past.

S:  I understand.  It’s such a beautiful cycle when you always get the chance to grow and learn and “rebirth” yourself.

M:  It is never to be called punishment.  Punishment is never useful at all.  It is how to help the soul nature to come into harmony with itself.

S:  I totally get it.

Creating Evil

S: I have one last question that’s been on my mind.  I thought of it again when you mentioned the apostles, the teachers for this friend of mine.  You’ve talked a little bit before, or I’ve gotten the feeling that on your plane, wherever you are, there can be some entities that can be nasty or mean or not helpful.  Can you talk to me about what that is?

M:  [long pause]  Like everything, creations call into one’s reality that which is aligned with it.  In other words, if you are someone who is needing to experience what it is like to be, shall we say for argument’s sake, a child rapist, then one will call from within a soul that wishes to experience what it is like to be raped as a child.  And often the purpose of that is because one has lost enmity with others.  (enmity is a feeling of hostility towards other people) So one feels that one should experience such a hardship.  Then when the unfurling occurs, one will consider not that one has an evil nature, because of course it was an agreement, so the end of it, one calls into manifestation entities that are commensurate with the thinking that you have.  So if you are sensing that there is an evil world, one will create evil spirits, if you like, to make it so.  The truth is always – you create the reality that you are willing to experience.  And this is why, from the very beginning, I encouraged my dear friend (the channeller Francis Evans) to avoid the ordinary thinking of our interactions; that is, so many want to put up protections from evil spirits that hang around in the ethers!  However, of course, I have encouraged him to realize that as soon as you begin to protect yourself, you have to first of all create the evil entity!

S:  Something to protect yourself from!

M:  Of course!  And if you realize that everything is in order, everything is safe until you manifest, then you are safe in all realms.


S:  I think my question was more to something that you referred to from wherever you are.  There was a time when you had to pause or wait for an interference…

M:  Of course.  Sometimes interference comes when a passing thought from my dear friend creates a blip.

S:  Okay!

M:  Reality does not contain anything at all.  As we have pointed out, our existence is on the edge of a void.  I have always said I am nothing.  And as a result, then, I am the potential for everything.  So whatever you wish then emerges!  So then consciousness always moves to beneficial realms, even when it appears in a negative fashion.

S:  I understand that, too.

Life After Death

M:  So let us take, for example, very often there are those that have transitioned who might have been alcoholic in the lifetime that was finished.  Of course, such ones will not first of all appreciate that they have passed through the veil!  And as a result, they will hang around in their favorite drinking spots.  Those that are on their way, or already alcoholic, then, are open to their influence, trying to gain back what they think they have lost.  And so these ones can be influenced, because they have set aside their defensive mechanisms and will not readily appreciate what is happening.

S:  Oh, there’s so many…  Everything leads me to a new question, but I think we’re almost out of time.  Is there anything you’d like to add?

M:  I think that is enough, because otherwise we begin to open up new subjects.  However, one thing that is truly worth understanding is when you realize that everything is the result of one’s agreements, what one has already accepted as truth. 


M: If one realizes that truth is very fluid, it is different within different categories.  And science has tried to explain this in terms of laws that operate at ordinary levels, and laws that operate at sub-atomic levels.  And the two laws cannot work in each other’s realm!  And Science, of course, has not been able to answer the question as to why that is.  So they have left it, like most important questions; science avoids the basic question.  If they were not to avoid it, they would realize that the entire thing is indeed the nature of human conception.

S:  Wow.  It’s huge.  Thank you so much, Mercredan.

M:  Then once again, thank you for your time.  Because there is so much that becomes clearer as we talk, and the more clarity, the better able you are to explain that and in such a way, discussions increase the level of consciousness on the planet.  So you understand, how you see the world as it is changing in your perception is work for the benefit of the transformation.

S:  Oh, I’m trying.  I’m working as much as I can.  Thank you so much.

M:  Then thank you and good evening.

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