Moving from 3d to 5d worldMercredan session

25 January 2016

Channelled by Francis Evans

Interviewed by Annabelle Drumm

Topics: 3d world evolving to multi-dimensions, technology slowing down time to show greater detail, ego, self importance, Summing up a life, see the world from more perspectives, the Author point of view, change your life



M: Good morning, once again it is my privilege and pleasure to come and spend these few moments of your time. The experiential world is beginning to open up in many more ways than has been previously understood. As usual, your technology pre-empts the new perceptions. Not just preempts but sets in motion the ability of Humankind to unearth their habitual presumptions and assumptions of how the world is solidified. That is enough to begin.

3D World evolving to multi-dimensions

A: OK. Our Dear friend (Francis Evans the channeller) and I were discussing the move from 3D up into higher dimensions and he mentioned that it was seamless. I’m wondering if it is going to be possible for us to be more conscious of when we are in higher dimensions or back down in 3 dimensions. Do we move between these or do we just move up and we graduate and…

M: I want to say, as soon as the assumptions of “ups and downs” come in…

A: (laughs)

M: … one begins to assert a limitation that is really not there at all. As we have said before, it is not an up and down thing, it is an additional. That is, if one really looks at the dimensional experiential world, you will see that it has qualities. What you would call the length and the breadth of course. Then you add to it a depth. In most physical experience, Humankind has very limited perception of depth.

A: Yes

M: You understand?

A: Mm

M: And then you’re adding to that the sequential sequence of events structured in a linear fashion. So that you begin to see only one element at a time rather than the general flow.

Technology slowing down time to show greater detail

M: Yet, technology has alerted One to the nature by slowing time down so that you can see its sequential forms in motion. Like all things, the very evolutionary plan requires a sequence of events. Then One might look even deeper into that and look for the depth that that brings about in a multi-dimensional experiential framework. One then has to step outside of One’s inhabitance of a particular location.

Ego, Self Importance

M: First of all, one has to recognise that you are not who you think you are. All of your characteristics that you consider yourself are of course located in the perceptions of that Self as it seems to be. Then, as One releases the assumptions that One is a particular way or rather there is a particular way to view every situation, One starts to consider the multiple variations that every situation offers.

So, time sequence adds a certain depth to it. It is not that one is elevating Oneself, but One is perceiving more and more detail that was always there. It was not that it was taken away. That One had to somehow graduate to a more important situation but, One had to drop One’s assumptions and that is why it is said that One stops One’s ego-ness. One’s ego is a description of One’s personality associated with high degrees of importance.

A: (laughs)

M: Even if you are a vagabond, One is not any old vagabond, One is the special vagabond. Do you follow what I mean?

A: Yes

M: So you can be an important alcoholic or an important anything. Humankind do everything in their way to be somewhat more important than everybody else and the reason for it is they hold a doubt that they have any importance at all, that they are of any consequence at all.

A: Well, that’s the paradox, isn’t it.

M: Of course.

A: But rather than deliberately losing your importance in order to improve that situation, its more like you need to find your importance… inside yourself as to how you fit into the world in order to no longer need to TRY and be important. Is that the right way to put it?

M: Shall we say, the great Master shows always the way. That is, One is humble. One has no requirements for importance for the simple reason One is doing the will of the Divine. As a result you are of the highest importance of all. You do not need to have validation from anybody else. One is simply doing as one is instructed because One has dropped all assumptions. One has dropped the importance. One is no longer interested in locating inner Self.

A: Because you have found your inner self?

M: Because One is perceiving what is truly there. The unity of all things. So you are not located in a single Being. You are located in the Whole. You are not seeing the world through the eyes of an individual but you are seeing through the entire environment and seeing One’s operation, One’s actions as part of the interactive wholeness. From that point of view, suddenly you realise you are in authority. You can change anything you like. You are the Author! You have not tried to BE the Author. You are simply being it because you have relocated your attention from your importance.

A: Yes. OK

M: Suddenly the entire degrees of dimensions begins, at least, to “appear” up to the level of where One’s authority begins. As I have pointed out, this is not the final resting place but it is an extraordinarily wonderful position if One is in the evolutionary train, as it were.

A: Yes yes. I keep thinking it reminds me of kittens that are born and put in a box with their mother. Then, one day they look out of the top of the box and they can see the lounge and they think “Wow! Look how big the world is!” They really can’t see all the rest but they see something bigger than what their little world in the box used to be.

M: Of course and that was your own experience. One was born and the first thing one has to orientate. “Where am I? Who put all this together?” and it doesn’t make all that much sense. Too much information. Then slowly One’s parents build a universe that One can relate within. They make one a special case. “You are my special one. You are the one who will become this or that. You are the one that has no use. You are the one who is the most beautiful. You are the one who is most talented…” and on it goes as the world becomes more fixed, that one can operate within it. Then you spend the rest of your time trying to escape.

A: (laughs) Yes. Disagreeing with your parents.

Summing up a life

M: You understand. You try to make it all very different and in doing so, you simply create another limitation of which to structure your own children in and on it goes; until you arrive at old age and you start to realise what a loss it all was and that you do not even really believe in the physical world at all. You start to see that time, as you have structured it, is quite meaningless in terms of value. In the life, you collect together your valuable memories and you bring them together and you try to fathom what it all amounts to.

Some people arrive and they come a good conclusion, “What a wonderful life I have had. What experiences even if they were at times tough. But I have gone beyond what I came in with and I have collected such wonderful experiences and either I am ready to have another challenge or I am ready to move on to greater things, to play a different game.” Do you follow what I mean?

A: Yes I do. So the value in a life comes from the experiences regardless of when, within that life, it happens.

M: Value comes from the perception within the experiences. Because you can have lots of experiences and take nothing from that.

A: True

M: You can’t perceive how valuable they collect together. Even the smallest when in a drunken moment you see the world of insect.

A: Right (laughs)

M: So suddenly you are engaged. What an amazing quality this spider has! You are totally consumed with it. It seems such an irresponsible thing when you wake up in the morning and you push it aside and…

A: judge it

M: … judge it and all the rest of those things and yet, at the end of a life, suddenly bring it back to your attention and realise the moment was lost. The opportunity to shift your entire world was given to you and you forgot it.

A: Right. It sounds like we’re all going to finish our lives full of regret of all the wasted opportunities.

M: Shall we say, you can have regret or you can collect them and bring them together and have the understanding “I missed it at the time but it is right here in my experience now. I have awoken to it and now I see the entire life as it is in a different way of looking at it.” Everything shifts.

A: So you can actually do all of that with all of your values at the end?

M: Of course. So you are collecting together all of the missed opportunities as well. Do you follow what I mean. Think of that in terms of your extra dimension.

A: OK. OK.

M: Is that enough to get you thinking again?

A: Definitely, yes. Thank you.

M: Then once again thank you for your time and we will talk again. Good morning.

A: Good morning.



As soon as I finished transcribing this I started to look at my immediate space in a different way. I put my focus on the table and was looking at the room from the table’s point of view. It felt warm, calm, cosy, as it should be. Then the coffee pot which had just started to perk. The heat underneath stirring the water till the pressure bubbled it up through my middle, through the coffee grinds and into the top compartment. It felt thrilling and satisfying, like this was my purpose. I was fulfilling my purpose. It’s what I’m here for. I am old and tainted from years of use yet, I still do my work perfectly.

hmm. Fulfilling purpose…

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