Stress Management Training for Staff
The Importance of Stress Management in the Office
We are all well familiar with the fact that many move jobs simply to experience working with a different company but one dominant reason they move is due to stress and burnout.
Here’s the good news: Stress and Burnout can be reduced and often dissolved completely. If we do that, you get to keep the great talent you originally hired and it will save you a heap of money in having to replace them.
Work stress management becomes an integral part of building a strong, loyal team.
How to spot a staff member who needs help
When stress is an issue you’ll notice the team member’s health deteriorate. They’ll become more cynical, the temper gets shorter, coping mechanisms dwindle and they look exhausted all the time. Their work is affected and productivity drops.
There are many types of problems that can cause Stress and Professional burnout. It’s an easy cop out to say it’s their problem so they need to solve it themselves. But what is that really costing you?
Once you add up
- Unproductive time before the staff member leaves
- Sick days, injuries
- Fixing mistakes they made – how costly is that?
- Low staff morale reducing the productivity of other team members
- Effort in keeping client relationships up while your service is not optimal
- Recruitment costs
- Down time while you train in the new replacement
This is costing your company a lot of money to replace people who could be retained, re-trained and turned into loyal mega-star team members.
Not only that, but once word gets out that your staff turnover has dropped and you are looking after your people, your company becomes the place to be and you’ll have a line of great talent queuing up at your door wanting to work for you.
You never know how clients are quietly watching your company in all its facets. When they see your staff are a happy team, the client will feel more trusting and want to build a long lasting, fruitful relationship with your company.
This training is suitable for staff at all levels and makes a great bonding teambuilding exercise. Lessons may feature:
- How to recognise stress symptoms early
- Improve work life balance and work relationships
- Cope during high pressure periods of work
- Keep happier, healthier and boost productivity
Recommended formats for Stress Management Training
A fully comprehensive video course teaching immediate stress relief tools and long term Management of Stress and Job Burnout.
- 5 x weekly 60-75 minute interactive video lessons
- Things to do between the lessons to help implement learning
- Downloadable workbook pages to keep notes together
- Support between lessons answering participant questions
CLICK HERE to see a preview.
The Video course above and then, to make sure your staff have actually absorbed the material, bring Kitegirl into your office (or we can provide a venue) so she can address real time issues, embed the new processes and keep your staff on track altering their behaviour working towards ultimate High Performance and maximum productivity.
For this extended program, Click here to book a time to discuss with Kitegirl.
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