How are we shaping up for December 21 2012?
December 21st is flying towards us now. Only 10 days to go! There’s now a mass of writing and speaking on the topic, mostly based on ancient writings and prophecy.…
December 21st is flying towards us now. Only 10 days to go! There’s now a mass of writing and speaking on the topic, mostly based on ancient writings and prophecy.…
Check out this fascinating site about the upcoming World shift in consciousness. I’ve just begun reading the beginning of it today. The writing is a bit sensational at the…
Here’s a fascinating documentary (55 minutes long) drawing together a prophecy of the world’s greatest empires, the more personal story of a German soldier during World War II based in…
As more and more information comes in about the World Shift in Consciousness, shown on the Mayan Calendar to be December 21, 2012; I find there’s a common theme starting…
I did an article on how diets work or don’t work depending on your expectations and how you think about them. I thought today it would be fun to stretch…