Check out this extraordinary cross section of the centre of a brain compared to how it was drawn in Hieroglyphics in ancient Egyptian teachings as the all-seeing “Eye of Horus” or “Eye of Ra”. Makes sense now, don’t you think?

Pineal Gland Eye of Horus

This is taken from an article channelled by Celia Fenn here

In this article she says the image shows the Pineal Gland – which we all have in the centre of our brain – was the primary location for Creation and Manifestation, which was the meaning and purpose of the Eye of Horus symbol.

Another reference to this picture is here in Brain Sparks from January 2012 which shows the same picture above but also shows this picture.

eye of horus in human brain

Here the writer points to the Thalamus as the centre of the eye which is the part of the brain that takes in each of our 6 senses and translates their messages for the brain.

Although not shown in these drawings, the Pineal Gland sits in the outer corner of the eye. This is where we have learnt our intuition comes in. So, drawing into the very centre of the brain we not only translate our senses but draw in intuitive messages from outside ourselves.

I wouldn’t actually say that curl in the bottom of the eye drawing is not leading to the Medulla Oblongata. In my opinion I would say it is the pathway that runs from the Pineal Gland in to the Cerebellum…. makes more sense to me with a curl on the end.

Learn more about the Pineal Gland

Back to Celia Fenn’s article: She speaks of those who can “feel” the upgrade happening, versus those who don’t and won’t until they are ready for the new information.

Understand that some people are interested and conscious of the topic – probably like you if you’re reading my blog – but there are MANY people who are evolving at the same speed as us and are just not aware of it.

Don’t assume someone who’s not interested in what’s going in the World Shift of Consciousness is therefore not evolving. Generally you can see the ones who are a bit behind you because they might be for example:-

  • caught up in hate in prejudice
  • still very possessive over their possessions, copyright ideas, people (children/partner), material objects
  • still focussed on maximising making money by taking advantage of others
  • “all for one” but not a lot of “one for all”

These are all rather “old epoch” ways of living.

The thing is, this way of thinking can change or start to change at any moment. The reason people feel very tense, angry or negative is often because their mind wants to change to the new way of being but their brain tells them to keep with the old regime. It’s a mismatch and often propels them towards change.

Sometimes it takes something very dramatic to make that personal shift kick start within. An event, an accident, a near death experience, an argument… it could be anything. Each of us must find that kick start within ourselves in our own time and, what’s really cool is, each of us on the planet has the POTENTIAL to kick start it at any moment.

So, before you judge that grumpy pants guy next to you as never likely to start evolving before he dies, IMAGINE the possibility.

Just say, “What if he found the kick start? What if he “saw the light”? What if he recognised the desire to be more peaceful and happy? To live in a better world? To give up the fighting and nastiness?

That’s all you need to do. IMAGINE and metaphysically you give him PERMISSION to get his kick start. You support him on his journey.

Do you see why that’s so much better than judging and dismissing him? It’s like taking his hand and saying “Come on, I’ve opened the door, have a look and see there’s a better way.” without pissing him off that you’re dragging him where he doesn’t want to go.

Not only that but compassion is better for your own well-being than looking down your nose at him and judging him.

Let’s give each other more of a hand. Imagining that possibility works with ALL people around the planet. Your next door neighbour, your horrible boss, the criminal in the city, the ISIL people on the TV.

Open the possibility for them. It won’t work if they are not open to it but your compassion could make a massive difference for someone who is on that invisible brink and ready for a better life.

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