What a superbly written article from Paul Mason at The Guardian. Here he compares between the previous economic eras, the advantages, disadvantages and consequences of each and projects into the future (possibly the very near future) of where we are heading.
Here’s the article
First thing I thought of when reading was the scene in the latest Tron movie where the young guy sneaks into the software company he owns, which is run by a capitalist thinking Board, and releases the latest software on the internet to the world for free to match with his father’s original vision for the company.
What if more people did that? The more resources we were given for free the less big corporations would be able to compete. In fact there would be no competition. Their purpose for existing would immediately make them redundant.
If innovation and progress was designed to free up more time for the masses, why are they working more than they ever did before? Someone is holding the masses ransom and they won’t stand for it much longer.
More interesting to me, if we started to provide these resources at cost price so people could work less, how would that affect their wellbeing? With lower stress and less desperation, crime would drop rapidly, domestic violence would drop, health would improve. The suggestion the Premier has at the moment of raising GST (goods and services tax) to pay for the rising health costs would be unnecessary.
Most important: the acceleration of innovative thinking would go through the roof. This would benefit the World at large = an upward spiral in quality of life for all.
As I said in my last article, increasing the wellbeing of the individual and the collective has always been low on the priority list for our governments. By adding more rules and regulations, limiting freedoms, making things more expensive and out of reach, allowing the possession of intellectual property, I’m really not sure who they are trying to benefit other than a few. Does this help a country as a whole? To me it is completely backwards.
This article has been shared around the social networks more than 300,000 times in the past week. It may be a little heavy for some to read and doesn’t offer a lot of “next step” solutions but you never know what ideas will spring from it.
This, to me, is a major part of the World shift in consciousness. As people become more aware of how things are working, how inefficient and biased it is, more will shift into focussing on solutions rather than just bitching about it on their favourite social network. That’s when the magic starts to happen.
And, what about you? Are you just going to wait for someone else to come up with the solutions? Or is there something you could do in your own neighbourhood that would provide for those around you in some small way, ease their stress and allow their natural gifts and ideas to come to the surface to benefit you back again?
What goes around comes around.
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