Trials begun on Universal Basic Income
A while back I wrote about the incredible benefits of providing a Universal Basic Income. Read the article here. At the time Switzerland had done a national Referendum on 6…
A while back I wrote about the incredible benefits of providing a Universal Basic Income. Read the article here. At the time Switzerland had done a national Referendum on 6…
Many of the posts I add here are based around Spiritual Channellers who give guidance for personal development. This source is quite different. Originally starting out in the 1990’s looking…
Wow, I’m fascinated to see how so many bloggers and vloggers have picked up on the Bashar (channelled by Darryl Anka) prediction that there will be “a moment where everything…
Bashar, channelled by Darryl Anka said a few months back that in the Fall (Autumn) of the Northern Hemisphere there “will be a moment where everything will change”. Ever since…
This is a fantastic conversation between former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis and American social critic/historian Noam Chomsky in New York. They run through some great history on how many…