Wow, I’m fascinated to see how so many bloggers and vloggers have picked up on the Bashar (channelled by Darryl Anka) prediction that there will be “a moment where everything will change” due to come up in the Northern Hemisphere Fall, September to November of 2016. What could it be? Speculation seems to be heading towards high profile events but is this field of thinking too narrow? Let’s take a look.
Click here to see video reference of Bashar’s speech mentioning this moment.
Large Scale Moment
Our media feed us material that tends to remain on our minds and so many people fall for media news prompting, particularly if it satisfies their addiction to fear. What’s the worst that could happen? Some of the more obvious topics that might make a world changing moment would be
- USA 2016 Presidential Elections: An assassination, an arrest, evidence the whole thing is rigged, parties pulling away from their candidates or other movements which would make the system of voting fall apart. Or it might be one of them winning and their radical decisions, once in power, makes a marked difference to the future of the world.
- Divulging of information: What is hidden? So much! There is plenty to divulge to the world and I think much of it would make people feel quite sick. Would this make “a moment”? Possibly. Let’s look for some examples. It might be something that decides to reveal itself in a way even the media can’t hide it, whether it’s someone caught with their hand in the cookie jar, an ET UFO flyover – as several bloggers have contemplated – or proof of what the Secret Space Program talks about as cities built inside the Earth. It may also be divulging of past crimes on a large scale e.g. – 9/11 setup as an excuse to start a war, the truth about what’s in the vaccinations; viruses such as HIV or Ebola discovered to be man made, tsunamis (Fukushima and Indonesia) and cyclones proven to be man made. Who knows?
- Currency change: To expose the Federal Reserve, IMF or World Bank’s hidden agenda or how they manipulate on a large scale would make an impression on us all and certainly change everything. I think the world economy is such a house of cards, held up by so little, that it really would only take a sneeze to bring the whole thing down. Rather than put the world through the chaos of all the banks closing leaving the hoards struggling and fighting for food (think about Greece), the world economists are more likely to create a new global or at least USA currency that overnight goes into everyone’s bank account as a dollar for dollar swap.
- Climate disaster: In my circle we’ve all been discussing that huge volcano in Iceland which is slowly collapsing. Nothing man made is going to stop that. A few years back Mercredan had mentioned the possibility of a mass migration from Northern Hemisphere to the South. Mind you, sometimes our interpretations of what he says get a bit extreme. For example, he also talked about the power needing to be cut for an upgrade as the frequencies around the Earth were raising. I was expecting a mass worldwide power outage for everyone but, in the end, everyone got their power cut at different times. For some areas it was several days/weeks and for others, like us in Sydney, it was only a few hours. So mention of a mass migration may not refer to the entire top half of the world, just a large chunk of it and not necessarily for ever.
Small Scale Moment
Now we’ve looked at a few disaster possibilities we can take off our Chicken Little hat and think about the possibility of it being something a whole lot smaller. A good example of this is the December 21, 2012 turning point. The “end of the World” the media gleefully projected, yet it was also the beginning of the new World. This was a tipping point, like passing over the highest point of a large curved apex. When you’re on that curve you barely notice your weight shift, yet, Mercredan tells us that we’ll get 2-300 years down the track, look back and say “Oh yeah, that was the tipping point.” (Actually a bit later in December but we won’t split hairs on a once-every-25,000-year moment.)
So this “moment where everything will change” might be something that we never hear about until much later. It might be the discovery of new evidence, the cure for cancer – or indeed all illness – a scientific breakthrough, an arrest that was never publicised, an invention, a confession, a death, a birth, the change of a law or regulation or a simple decision where the butterfly effect ripples out and takes our World along a whole new path into the future.
These tipping points and movements the astrologists mention can be energetic and therefore only manifest in 3D reality much later. So if we get to the end of November and nothing obvious showed up we can rest assured knowing SOMETHING definitely happened.
Call for Calm
This may be unrelated to the moment Bashar is talking about but is definitely worth keeping in mind.
Another thing I’ve noticed in the messages of Channellers throughout this year is the Call for Calm. Many of them have mentioned that the divulging of information or realisation as people awaken to the Truth will cause a lot of anger. I’m assuming that will be divulging of hidden agendas, manipulation or crimes against humanity.
If you are a follower of Channellers or even this blog and are interested in the evolution of our World and species, you will be one of the group these messages are speaking to directly. No matter what information you are given, be it from the media, social networks or where ever it comes from, no matter how outrageous, cruel, conniving or evil; find calmness in yourself and encourage others to find their calmness too. Getting angry will harm the people, objects, animals and property around the angry person. We really can do without that right now.
The people who were involved in whatever nasty business is revealed, many of them would not have had a choice or felt they could not choose another path, or even thought they were doing what was best. You cannot judge someone unless you’ve walked a mile in their shoes. You just cannot. You have no idea how they were brought up, what influenced them through their life, who threatened them, who provided obscure reasoning, who bribed and corrupted. There are an untold array of reasons for why and how that person got caught up in the crime.
The Greatest Show in the Universe
All of this experience and the glorious awakening of Humanity is the show we are living, like Reality TV, with a massive Universal audience watching each individual to see how we react. We each chose to come into the World to make this shift so, how do you want to be seen by the audience? Are you going to follow the sheep and get angry? Or are you going to find your calm, give up judging and simply take action to put things right? That does not include revenge, violence or even nasty words against an individual or a group of people who caused the wrong. It’s about positive, forward thinking.
“Here’s the mess that was created. They will be made accountable. Now let’s focus on cleaning it up.”
Find your evolved self. As more information comes to the surface, all secrets revealed, all people made accountable for their thoughts, words and actions, start with self and how you can make the world a better place in your own sphere of influence.
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